Sunday, 25 January 2015

Of Art, and Other Life-Altering Moments

I interrupt my usual flow of reviews to bring you this delightful piece of news.

By some series of serendipitous events, I stumbled upon a Deviant (is that what you call them? I'm not so sure ^^;) whose work moved me to tears.

It started a few days ago, with Garth Nix's facebook post of a Deviant who made artwork of all the Nine Gates of Death. They were marvelous and featured in many other collections of the Abhorsen series' artwork made by Deviants, which I began to explore. Many clicks and other Deviants later, I found this truly beautiful work of Lirael, Sam, Mogget and The Disreputable Dog sailing to Abhorsen's House that I could not peel my eyes from for several minutes. Naturally, I visited this artist's gallery- and was blown away by all of her work.

They were ethereal.
And wondrous.
And tranquil and enthralling and purely magical.
+ Other words that cannot begin to describe her masterpieces.

One work, in particular, captured my attention more than the rest. It was titled 'A Cozy Evening (Detail)', and I felt a sense of familiarity with the work even though I have never been in a snowy country before, let alone that particular scene. Then I discovered it was part of a bigger masterpiece, and was even more bewitching as a whole! I had tears in my eyes and Thijs could attest to this- he laughed at me for being so emotional, but agreed all the same that her work was, indeed, beautiful.

I had to speak to the artist; had to convey how moved I was by her work. So I made a Deviant Art account to do just that. It wasn't until I was writing the first few sentences that I realized... That very work would fit in perfectly as this blog's header. I spent so much time admiring it that I didn't think of it until a few hours later!

I decided to ask her permission to use it, although it felt selfish at the moment... Believe me, if there was a digital print of it on her Etsy site I would have purchased it as long as I had enough money in my bank.

She replied.
And, well... the header picture now is proof of how awesome this person is!

I enjoyed sketching, back when I was younger and had more free time, but I knew I wasn't the most artsy of people. I can't keep my hand steady enough; can't convey my mind's eye to paper; can't focus on the details, and all the other things that matter to make beautiful artwork. But Kundry's Inner World seem to speak to me. The pieces all have a heart and soul, and I spent many hours just admiring their beauty and tranquility. I was mesmerized as I have never been by art.

Visit her Deviant Art account, and be enchanted.

More importantly, the person behind these beautiful pieces is just as genuine and charming as her work. I can't wait until she has more stuff on her Etsy that I can purchase, particularly large prints of her work for me to put in my living space!
EDIT: OMG THEY ARE THERE! Now I must wait torturously for next month's allowance to purchase them :(

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