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Based on a screenshot from one of the MMORPGs I play(ed): TERA |
Intro to Fulfilling Friday
I've only read about book blog memes. It's easy to see that they're a great way to expand your network in the book blog world, meet new friends and most definitely garner more readership. However, since I'm more into personal reviewing/writing and less into networking at this particular moment in time, I haven't really thought of joining and/or starting book blog memes.
Except... You can only read so many reviews on a blog before it feels dry, and that's me talking about my own blog! 'I must write some non-book-related posts,' I thought. Particularly ones with more of an insight to my life, since I did start this blog with self-improvement in mind. So I decided to do a weekly post which is- to the best of my abilities- consistent, and definitely not just a book review.
Fulfilling Friday is the time when I talk about how fulfilling my week and the previous weekend has been, and detail what I look forward to in the coming week and weekend. Sounds like a blog meme doesn't it? It's not something I have come across, but I would like it to be a feature of this blog- whether or not that makes it a meme doesn't really matter all that much to me, at least in this moment! On that note, it will be as positive as possible, and if there were downsides to the previous week I wouldn't neglect them, but focus on how they improved me. On the Friday that is closest to the end of the month (for example this month it would be Friday the 30th of January), I would probably write a longer post for Fulfilling Friday which may summarize the whole month's fulfilling moments, or even include some throwbacks to some other positive moments in my life, most obviously not limited only to the month or year involved. This would also include aspirations for the coming months and years.
Why a certain day for this? Well it would ensure I remember to come here and do something at least weekly, for one. Also, I would not like to turn this blog into my personal diary- I have another blog for that which is not as public. In addition, in the event that I DO get a readership, I'm guessing it would be more important for people to get a glimpse into my life (and hopefully understand why I don't read or review as often, which is bound to happen sometimes)!
Enough of intros, let's begin!
This week, I entered a new posting in the final year of my medical school, which is also the last posting for my 9th semester in this university. What this implies in my place is the inevitable presence of our Final Professional Examinations (Part 1), which is basically a set of examinations involving lots of papers, writing, and sweat- an amalgamation of everything we've learned from the previous 4+ years of our studies here!
For me, this lucky posting is Orthopaedics. There's a fulfilling moment right there: Starting a new posting. New postings mean new beginnings, and even if you didn't do so hot in the posting in your previous year- since Year 5 is mostly repeated postings of those we already did in Years 3 and 4- it's the opportunity to redeem yourself and learn from your mistakes. For example, after the tragedy which was the Year 4 Orthopaedics exam, I read up a lot more on avascular necrosis and fat embolism and am more confident in my ability to diagnose these conditions. I didn't fail (I never failed my final exams in med school), but I didn't like my grades- and I feel that it's my responsibility to perform way better in this posting in this year!
Viva Assessment
Today, we had our Patient Management Diary assessment via viva voce. I think most university students are familiar with this form of assessment, where we present our cases orally and the assessor/lecturer/examiner asks us questions orally pertaining to our presentation. My group is the lucky one to go first, and we are expected to know two cases from the wards very well each week. Our professor chooses one which he thinks is most relevant or beneficial for discussion together, and begins asking questions (and also teaching). For this particular posting, our PMD assessment is discussed in front of our other group mates to benefit everyone. I feel I did satisfactorily in mine, and got good marks- and that the discussions for the other 6 members of my group also were very beneficial for our clinical life (not to mention exam revision).
Appreciating our patients is something that goes without saying. They are the basis of our knowledge, the real reason why we "sacrifice" most of our time and effort. It also goes without saying that as humans, each individual is different- and thus each patient is different too. Apparently in Malaysia, patients are not as demanding or lawyer-friendly as in other first-world countries (but don't take my word for it!), thus it's easier to practice. But like anything, there are difficult moments. Difficult patients.
It's sometimes easier to deal with complicated cases on cooperative patients rather than difficult patients with easy cases. For this week, I am in charge of cooperative patients/relatives, and for that I feel my learning has been very fulfilling. It can be hard to deal with patients who are healthcare personnel, or whose relatives happen to be healthcare personnel with their own expectations in the quality of care that they receive. In my case, my patient's main caretaker in the hospital is a senior healthcare personnel, but she was really helpful to me and did not tell me to leave the patient alone. The patient herself is quite an angel- so there is that.
I did experience a death, though- incidentally the case I had to present today in our PMD assessment. The patient had multiple co-morbidities and it did not come as a shock to either the family or the staff, but it still manages to put a damper on our mood. One thing to pick up, as I repeatedly encounter the passing of patients, is that death is inevitable- perhaps the most inevitable part of our lives. And although the mystery surrounding death will never be solved until we experience it, life goes on.
This Blog!
I think I have achieved my personal target for reviews with this blog. They are mainly reviews from my Goodreads account, most of them edited. So far I will not link my Goodreads account to the blog yet, but I will start once I achieve a couple or more months of consistent content.
I know I haven't done all that much compared to established book blog reviews, but the reading and the posting so far with my workload is making me feel fulfilled, and is actually helping me be more consistent in my studies. I consider it a reward! Speaking of rewards...
... and family in general. I was facing a financial low where my allowance is concerned (mid-twenties and I have yet to achieve financial freedom- but all in good time!) and my parents came through. They game me extra $$ so I could study comfortably, knowing the first part of my final exams are around the corner. That's amazing! That's one of the most typical examples of 'rental love right there, and there's no need to elaborate on how much I love my parents and family.
Last Weekend
I bonded with my two junior housemates who will have to leave the house as per university regulations, which is a bummer because I've just learned to enjoy their company since their arrival a month ago. It's refreshing to spend time with younger people *laughs*! Well, mostly because they remind me of how anxious yet excited I was when MY clinical years began; it's motivating to talk to them and, occasionally, become their source of assurance. I managed to teach them some beginner skills and knowledge on Obstetrics & Gynaecology clerking, which was a form of revision. Teaching, as any lecturer would affirm, is one of the most effective ways to revise and learn!
I also- finally- succumbed and became an MPH cardmember (MPH is one of the most famous local bookstore chains in Malaysia, just in case you're not from around here). This would probably incite more compulsive book buying tendencies, except when is book buying a bad thing where I'm concerned? Surprisingly, I managed to stay my hand and leave the store- twice- without buying ANY reading material. If anything, this requires standing ovation.
So what are my plans for the upcoming weekend and the next week?
Presenting my paediatric topics for my study group (which is in a few hours). Be more confident, clerk more cases in the wards. Present a case in one of next week's BST sessions (hooray for logbook-filling!). Finish revising all O&G topics by this weekend (first round). Re-read all Orthopaedics topics presented and discussed this week. Tick off some more topics of revision in my revision list, buy files and re-organize notes to include all material from previous clinical years.
Sigh. So study oriented. Then again, what do you expect from a full-time student?
Aha! Last but not least, schedule at least two more review posts and finish reading at least two books by this weekend!
And with that inspirational quote, get a-movin' and do what you're supposed to do!
Have a great week, everyone~!
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