Friday 23 January 2015

Fulfilling Friday: Family First

Fulfilling Friday is a feature where I talk about the happenings of the week, focusing on the positives, and plan for the upcoming days- on a Friday, of course!

This week has been an off-week of sorts. I did not manage to do much revision of my own, and a few classes were brought forward. But I did have quite a few free days to unwind and relax, and though it's not enough for me to have finished a single book by Friday, I am currently near to finishing Eva Ibbotson's The Dragonfly Pool, which I will (hopefully!) review next week.

The teaching sessions I had this week were inspirational, and as always, beneficial. It was an unofficial off-week, but that doesn't mean I did not gain anything academically.

Today I fetched my sister from the airport and the had a Snapchat live chat (or something of the sort; I was just then made aware of its existence) with the rest of the family. I come from a huge family, and right now we're split almost exactly in half (you can't split an odd number of people evenly!) across two ends of the continent. It was fun seeing them again, and playing with the cats- all five of the fluffy, well-nourished, totally adorable furballs- at my parents' place, even if it's virtual.

My Mom sent me a large batch of cookies that she baked a few hours before my sister's flight, as well as a huge container of Davidoff coffee (knowing I love it) and this awesome perfume that lasts and lasts throughout the day, turning you into the most delightful olfactory treat to others. There might be other smaller stuff my sister forgot to give me yet! (Edit: Yes. Eyeliner and powder, because women *laughs*)

As for my plans? Tomorrow I'll send my car for its regular service date, and probably watch a movie with my siblings. Finish two (tinier) books by the end of the weekend, schedule more posts and this time really pick up on the revision. One month to the exams!

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