Friday 6 March 2015

Review: DIAgnosis2 by Dr. Anwar Fazal & Others [Malay]

Title: DIAgnosis2
Authors: Dr. Anwar Fazal, Dr Aizzat, Dr. Azah, Dr. Mafeitz, Dr. Mahyuddin, Dr. Fatin Liyana & Dr. Beni Rusani
Genre: Malay, Short Stories, Medical
Publisher: White Coat Enterprise
Pages: 356
Kerjaya ini memaksa kamu untuk melihat nilai nyawa dari pelbagai dimensi. Ia menjadikan kamu penonton setia drama tragis dan gembira yang berselang seli saban hari.Kamu menjadi watak transisi hidup mati.Protagonis atau antagonis,bergantung pada mata penilai manusiatetapi hakikatnya hanya Penilai Mutlak lebih tahu semua yang bersarang di hati.Kerjaya ini, jika benar untuk Illahi, pasti akan menundukkan hati dan buat rasa rendah diri.

Ada tikanya bila kamu berjaya menyelamatkan nyawa dengan izinNya,bila pesakit mula membuka mata dan melakarkan senyuman manisnya, bila ahli keluarganya merangkul atau menjabat erat tangan kamu dengan mata berkaca, saat itu kamu tahu inilah kerjaya yang paling 'kaya' dan kamu rela bersengkang mata, mengerah tenaga hingga ke sisa-sisa akhir yang ada kerana kamu tahu 'rasa itu' rasa yang tak mampu dibeli biar dengan segunung harta materi di dunia. Ya, ini kerjaya kami selamanya. (More from Goodreads)

Inspiring, entertaining stuff!
Sadly it's mostly in Bahasa, so I can't really recommend it to everyone.

It was recommended to me by the interwebz (mostly Dr Beni's twitter). Seriously, many Malaysians are raving about this book and I figured I haven't had my share of Bahasa books in a while so might as well!

About My Copy  of DIAgnosis2

Got this in the mail from White Coat Enterprise's online shop, aaand I somehow can't find the site anymore to link it here. If you can, get it yourself from the stores because the book wasn't packaged well for shipment. My copy had a huge fold/crease in one huge corner of the cover, extending several hundred pages into the book. I am particularly fussy about these things which is why I'm mentioning this. If you don't mind a little defect in your books, go right ahead and order it online for convenience. Just be willing to fork out an extra RM 8 for postage.

Well, if you can find the online shop again, that is ^^;

My Thoughts

A great read, but is in need of editing- typos and grammatical errors are aplenty, and I'm not even taking about intentional ones. Suitable for most Malaysians of all ages, particularly those who frequent the healthcare facilities in this country for any and all reasons. Also dishes up some quick medical revision points here and there for readers who are in the healthcare system.

As promised by the writers (or at least some of them), this book is a roller coaster ride of emotions. There were even trace elements of sci-fi, thanks to Dr Beni. I cannot begin to describe how this excited me!

Sorry this mini review is not in Bahasa... and please don't bash me for not being patriotic and whatnot. My Bahasa (in writing) is just really awful.

Now to recommend this book to my friends and family!

~ My Rating~
4 out of 5 NORAD STAT

UPDATE: I gave my copy of this book to my cousin, who just scored straight As in his SPM (genius kid) and was thinking of going into the medical profession. I hope he enjoys the book as much as I did and finds it at least a little bit helpful!

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