Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Mini Review: Sever (The Chemical Garden #3) by Lauren DeStefano

Title: Sever (The Chemical Garden #3)
Author: Lauren DeStefano
Genre: Dystopian, Young Adult
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages: 371

With the clock ticking until the virus takes its toll, Rhine is desperate for answers. After enduring Vaughn’s worst, Rhine finds an unlikely ally in his brother, an eccentric inventor named Reed. She takes refuge in his dilapidated house, though the people she left behind refuse to stay in the past. While Gabriel haunts Rhine’s memories, Cecily is determined to be at Rhine’s side, even if Linden’s feelings are still caught between them.

Meanwhile, Rowan’s growing involvement in an underground resistance compels Rhine to reach him before he does something that cannot be undone. But what she discovers along the way has alarming implications for her future—and about the past her parents never had the chance to explain.

In this breathtaking conclusion to Lauren DeStefano’s Chemical Garden trilogy, everything Rhine knows to be true will be irrevocably shattered. (More from Goodreads)

The Chemical Garden trilogy ends its run with this book.

I tried so hard to like the trilogy. But like the previous books, Rhine's character irritated me, and the people around her are still mere stepping stones to advance her story. The 'science' elements nonsense behind the age cap and subsequent experiments to attempt to cure it still frustrated me. And the 'lyrical prose' everyone so loved still eluded me, and led to my eventual discovery of the term 'purple prose'. 

Yay for teaching me something new!

It deserves a mini-review because I am at a loss on what to say. The points that made me dislike the book can probably be found in my reviews of the first and second books; suffice to say there is not much I will say about this book that has not been said before, since I don't go through the story progression much more than what the summary has given. I just feel the characters haven't progressed all that much

And I ended up liking this book less than its predecessors.

Again, I tried, but not everybody can heap praise on any author's writing. :(

~My Rating~
2 out of 5 Stars

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