Sunday, 5 July 2015

A Little Note

Wanting to update the blog even slightly more regularly in my final semester, with the Final Professional Exams (Part 2) coming up is, to put it mildly, hubris.

I am sorry for the absence of posts for the past few months. Clinical posting after clinical posting, I find myself too tired or hot by the end of the day to even engage in the normal acts of diary-writing, much less reviewing of books. My exams are in less than 30 days. And then graduation. And everything else that follows after graduation, which thankfully will include a rather long break before getting a post for a job.

All that said, I can't wait until I can begin reviewing books more regularly again.

For those out there who believe in the power of prayer, do pray that I pass the exams. With or without flying colours is not a concern for me. I just want a definite pass, thank you. ^^

If you're reading this, thanks for spending some minutes here. I'll be back in a month or so with reviews of books, services and pictures!

Edit on October 2nd 2015: I did indeed pass the exams without much incident! I am now officially NOT an undergrad student, which feels very weird, in a liberating but daunting manner- I guess everyone feels this way at this particular stage in their lives. However, I've been lazing around for the better part of 2 months. I have been reading, but not as much as I would hope to, although my Goodreads challenge has been completed by now. Yay! :)

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