Wednesday, 31 December 2014

2015 Book Reading Challenge

For the first time ever, I'm participating in a reading challenge on my Goodreads' group Dragons & Jetpacks.

The challenge consists of 50 total categories, and one book cannot be used for more than 2 categories. The group gives us the option to individualize our goal and reduce the number of categories we intend to cross off to pass the challenge, and I opted for 25.

I've been a sleeper member of the group. I intend to change that by starting to be (slightly) more proactive with their activities.

Here's the challenge:

Final 15 Minutes of 2014

Here's to a New Year's Resolution: To finally do what I have been thinking of doing for a good long while, which is starting a book review blog.

In that I would like to thank Thijs, mijn rots in de branding, for his encouragement.

First review to start tomorrow.
Let's strive to make this a productive year with a great beginning.

Happy new year!